Hike 37: Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve

Summer was fading quickly; and still being a few hikes behind schedule meant taking advantage of what dwindling daylight I had left once I got home from work. I didn’t pick the Negri-Nepote Native Grassland Preserve based on any grand attraction, but because an open grassland would allow me a little more time than if I tried to rush a two mile hike in the woods before dusk. The hike, as it turned out, was a bit more exciting than I had imagined. Continue reading

Hike 28: Jacob’s Creek Trail

I passed the trail head for Jacob’s Creek on my way home from Hike 15 at Ted Stiles Preserve and noted the location for a future hike. I had done minimal research on the area, and only knew that the hike would be a relatively short out and back along the creek. Continue reading

Norvin Green State Forest: Otter Hole to Carris Hill Hike

I was pumped. The Otter Hole to Carris Hill loop was one of my favorite hikes from last summer, and despite the blistering heat, I was excited for the challenges ahead! The 4 mile hike takes you past creeks, rock slab summits, waterfalls, rock scrambles, and dense forest. The difficulty and beauty of the Norvin Green State Forrest captured a piece of my heart last summer, which is why I couldn’t wait to get back here. Continue reading